August 1, 1879 – Mary Eliza Mahoney graduates from the New England Hospital for Women and Children, becomming the first black professional nurse in America
August 2, 1924 – James Baldwin, author of Go Tell It On The Mountain, The Fire Next Time, and Another Country, born
August 3, 1800 – Gabriel Prosser leads slave revolt in Richmond, Va,
August 4, 1810 – Abolitionist Robert Purvis born.
August 5, 1962 – Nelson Mandela, South African freedom fighter, imprisoned. He was not released until 1990.
August 6, 1867 – Actor Ira Aldridge dies and is buried in Lodz, Poland.
August 7, 1894 – Joseph Lee patents kneading machine.
August 8, 1865 – Polar explorer Matthew Henson born.
August 9, 1936 – Jesse Owens wins fourth gold medal at Summer Olympics in Berlin.
August 10, 1989 – General Colin Powell is nominated chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, the African American to hold the post.
August 11, 1921 – Alex Haley, author of Roots, born.
August 12, 1977 – Steven Biko, leader of the Black Consciousness Movement in South Africa, arrested.
August 13, 1981 – The Reagan Administration undertakes its review of 30 federal regulations, including rules of civil rights to prevent job discrimination.
August 14, 1989 – The North Carolina Black Repertory Company hosts the first National Black Theater Festival in Winston-Salem, NC.
August 15, 1888 – Granville T. Woods patents electromechanical brake.
August 16, 1922 – Author Louis E. Lomax born.
August 17, 1849 – Lawyer-activist Archibald Henry Grimké, who challenged the segregation policies of President Woodrow Wilson, born.
August 18, 1859 – Harriet Wilson’s Our Nig is first novel publsihed by a black writer.
August 19, 1954 – Dr. Ralph J. Bunche namedundersecretary of the United Nations.
August 20, 1993 – Dr. David Satcher named director of the Centers for Disease Control.
August 21, 1831 – Nat Turner leads slave revolt in Virginia.
August 22, 1843 – Henry Highland Garnett calls for a general strike by slaves.
August 23, 1926 – Carter Woodson, historian, author, inaugurated Negro History Week and later produced of the Negro History Bulletin.
August 24, 1950 – Judge Edith Sampson named first black delegate to the United Nations.
August 25, 1908 – National Association of Colored Nurses founded.
August 26, 1920 – 19th Amendment to the Constitution ratified, giving women the right to vote.
August 27, 1935 – Mary McLeod Bethune founds the National Council of Negro Women.
August 28, 1888 – Granville T. Woods patents railway telegraphy.
August 29, 1920 – Saxophonist Charlie “Bird” Parker born.
August 30, 1983 – Lt. Col. Guion S. Bluford Jr. becomes the first African American astronaut in space.
August 31, 1836 – Henry Blair patents cotton planter.